Homeownership Heroes: Discover If You Qualify for the Homes for Texas Heroes Program

Discover who is eligible for Texas Home For Heroes down payment assistance and how New Horizons Lending home loan programs work with it.

Owning a home is a significant milestone, and for our heroes who serve our communities and country, it becomes a well-deserved achievement. The Homes for Texas Heroes program from the Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation (TSAHC) is a dedicated initiative to provide down payment assistance.

With the support of New Horizons Lending and our tailored home loan solutions, heroes can confidently embark on their homeownership journey, secure in the knowledge that their sacrifices and dedication are recognized and rewarded.

Let's explore the professions eligible for assistance under the Homes for Texas Heroes program and how it supports your homeownership dreams.

Eligibility for the Homes for Texas Heroes Program

The Homes for Texas Heroes program offers special benefits and assistance to heroes who make a difference in our communities. The following "hero professions" are eligible for down payment assistance.

Professional Educators:

The program supports professional educators working full-time in public school districts, including school teachers, teacher aides, school librarians, school counselors, and school nurses. These individuals play a crucial role in shaping young minds and are rewarded with opportunities for homeownership.

Police Officers and Public Security Officers:

Police officers and public security officers who dedicate their lives to ensuring our safety and upholding the law are eligible for the Homes for Texas Heroes program. They can receive down payment assistance and secure fixed-rate home loans through this initiative.

Firefighters and EMS Personnel:

Firefighters and emergency medical services (EMS) personnel are heroes who bravely respond to emergencies and save lives. The Homes for Texas Heroes program acknowledges their invaluable contributions by providing them with the opportunity to own a home.

Veterans or Active Military:

The program extends its support to our esteemed veterans and active military members. Whether they have completed their service or are serving our country, they can benefit from the down payment assistance and fixed-rate home loans offered through the Homes for Texas Heroes program.

Correction Officers and Juvenile Corrections Officers:

Correction officers and juvenile corrections officers play a crucial role in maintaining the safety and security of our communities. As part of the hero professions eligible for the program, they can access the benefits that enable them to achieve their homeownership goals.

Nursing Faculty and Allied Health Faculty:

The Homes for Texas Heroes program also recognizes the significant contributions of nursing faculty and allied health faculty. These educators and mentors in the healthcare field can take advantage of the down payment assistance and fixed-rate home loans available to them.

New Horizons Lending: Supporting Heroes in Their Homeownership Journey

To further assist our heroes in their homeownership journey, New Horizons Lending provides tailored home loan solutions that work seamlessly with the Homes for Texas Heroes program. With our expertise and understanding of the program's requirements, New Horizons Lending of Texas ensures that heroes receive the necessary guidance and support to navigate the homebuying process successfully.

The Homes for Texas Heroes program is a testament to the deep appreciation and gratitude Texas has for its everyday heroes.

By offering down payment assistance, the program empowers professional educators, police officers, firefighters, EMS personnel, veterans, correction officers, juvenile corrections officers, nursing faculty, and allied health faculty to achieve their dream of homeownership.

With the support of New Horizons Lending and their tailored home loan solutions, heroes can confidently embark on their homeownership journey, secure in the knowledge that their sacrifices and dedication are recognized and rewarded.

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* Specific loan program availability and requirements may vary. Please get in touch with your mortgage advisor for more information.